Blog Archives

I have missed you, my dear. 

Hello again. It’s been far too long since I stopped by here.  Far too long since I’ve let my stream of consciousness turn into written words. Far too long since something has taken my fancy and I’ve said to myself, I need to write that down.

It’s funny – sad really, how you can gradually delay doing something and right before your eyes you can see a well-honed, hard-formed habit go from being the norm to the exception.  To dying.  It doesn’t take very long.  It may not even have been intentional.

You skip a day here, a day there,  you make excuses using all your “busy-ness” as reason.  Then, poof, it’s gone. Days become weeks, weeks become months, sadly months become years.  To each his own but in my case, by not writing regularly, I’ve only done myself a disservice. The habit of writing regularly – whether here or on any piece of paper, what matter the form it takes? I should never have cut it short.

I read this recently on a Daily Stoic email (I highly recommend this subscription, btw): Journaling is a memory bank with unlimited storage. It’s an archive, a reference manual, an unmatched tool for learning from today to inform tomorrow. That’s why journaling is so transformational. 

This is one form of journaling. My form.

A promissory note to myself: It’s way past time to make writing for myself a habit again. And don’t use “busy” as an excuse. Ever.  Go on , press the restart button. Commit yourself.


I have missed you, my dear.   Deeply.




Picture: By Gerard ter Borch – : Home : Info : Pic, Public Domain, 

Blogging away still…

“There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.” 

― Ernest Hemingway

The fact that I have changed countries, continents, lifestyles and jobs hasn’t stopped me like I expected it to. I’m still blogging away to glory, whether anyone cares or not.

And this in spite of a work schedule that is arguably the most intense I have ever experienced. So, there must be something to this stuff after all. Right?

In support of my recently changed location, I have had to change the title of my blog. So, now instead of “The Yin and Yang of Life In India”, I have just changed it to “The Yin and Yang of Life Anywhere. That was simple!

New header for my blog

It’s a therapeutic outlet for me. It’s my online diary. And it keeps my powers of observation sharp at all times.  So why not?

I guess this is my attempt to promote blogging among the uninitiated.  

So, shall we do it?  The much-used, much-abused list of reasons why anyone – including you – should consider blogging. I had some help and encouragement before I started. So should you.

By the way, don’t buy what that dude Ernest says in the quote above.  You (or I) are not trying to be another Hemingway with this!

Here, this quote is a better one for us:

“And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.” 

― Sylvia Plath

From the heart, here goes…my reasons on why you (or anyone else) should blog –

1. For the pleasure of accomplishment that comes every time you start a post.  And finish.

2. To record your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, ideas forever. And ever, amen.

3. To look back at what you wrote. And pat yourself on the back. I mean, was that really your work?

4. You will forever be observing and collecting ideas, storing them for later use. So much better than not absorbing life and letting it just pass you by, isn’t it?

5. Strangely enough, you start to collect readers and friends. Nice!

6. Once I begin to write, all my tiredness vanishes. Don’t ask me to explain why.  It just does.

7.It makes me focus and think harder (that is what I am doing as I write this now).

8. Maybe in some small way, you are making a difference?  Not quite sure about this one…

And finally, this – quoted from the book Mastery by Robert Greene, that I am in the middle of reading now; it just seemed so apropos:

“In essence, when you practice and develop any skill you transform yourself in the process. You reveal to yourself new capabilities that were previously latent,  that are exposed as you progress. You develop emotionally. Your sense of pleasure becomes redefined. What offers immediate pleasure comes seem like a distraction, an empty entertainment to pass the time. Real pleasure comes from overcoming challenges, feeling confidence in your abilities, gaining fluency in skills and experiencing the power this brings. You develop patience. Boredom no longer signals the need for distraction, but rather the need for new challenges to conquer.”

But in the end if you determine that in spite of all these good reasons (and more that others can undoubtedly come up with), it’s just not for you, no worries.

Be a reader instead.

Rudolf Ernst (1854-1932) Painting - The Reader


“May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you’re wonderful, and don’t forget to make some art — write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And I hope, somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself.” 

― Neil Gaiman
